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In the veterinary profession, we encounter many sad situations. Good Samaritans will bring us injured animals found on the side of the road. Owners will ask for their pets to be euthanized or relinquished to the clinic, because they cannot afford necessary treatment or surgery. While we would love to help all of these poor animals, there comes a point where finances, unfortunately, limit what we can do.

Donating to the Tom Tom Good Samaritan Animal Fund will allow us to help more animals that are deserving of a second chance! The Tom Tom Good Samaritan Animal Fund is also a good way to commemorate a lost pet. If donating in memory of a friend or family member’s deceased pet, we will gladly send them a card letting them know of your generosity. Please let the front desk know if you are interested in contributing to the Kerrville Veterinary Clinic Tom Tom Good Samaritan Fund. Thanks for helping us save lives!